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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/02/12 Purposing in the Heart (Daniel) JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 0902212_Purposing_in_the_Heart_JRB-1400457608.mp3 0902212_Purposing_in_the_Heart_JRB-1400457613.wmv Purposing in the Heart.pptx
08/26/12 2nd Generation Christians JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 08262012_AM_2nd_Generation_Christians_JRB.mp3 08262012_AM_2nd_Generation_Christians_JRB.wmv 2nd Generation Christians.pptx
08/26/12 Instrumental Music JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 08262012_PM_Instrumental_Music_JRB.mp3 08262012_PM_Instrumental_Music_JRB.wmv Instrumental Music.pptx
08/19/12 Nehemiah - A Profile in Leadership (2) JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 08192012_AM_Nehemiah_A_Profile_in_Leadership-2_JRB.mp3 08192012_AM_Nehemiah_A_Profile_in_Leadership-2_JRB.wmv Nehemiah A Profile in Leadership (2).pptx
08/12/12 Nehemiah - A Profile in Leadership (1) JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 08122012_AM_Nehemiah_A_Profile_in_Leadership-1_JRB.mp3 08122012_AM_Nehemiah_A_Profile_in_Leadership-1_JRB.wmv Nehemiah A Profile in Leadership (1).pptx
08/12/12 Conversion of Saul JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 08122012_PM_Conversion_of_Saul_JRB.mp3 08122012_PM_Conversion_of_Saul_JRB.wmv Conversion of Saul.pptx
08/05/12 A Place Called Calvary JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 08052012_AM_A_Place_Called_Calvary_JRB.mp3 08052012_AM_A_Place_Called_Calvary_JRB.wmv A Place Called Calvary.pptx
07/29/12 Power of God's Word JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 07292012_AM_Power_of_Gods_Word_jrb.mp3 07292012_AM_Power_of_Gods_Word_jrb.wmv Power of Gods Word.pptx
07/29/12 House Church Movement: Serve Us(4) JR Bronger House Church Movement Sunday PM Worship 04 Serve Us.pptx 07292012_PM_04_HouseChurch_ServeUs_JRB.mp3 07292012_PM_04_HouseChurch_ServeUs_JRB.wmv
07/22/12 Forgive One Another JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 07222012_Forgive_One_Another_jrb.mp3 07222012_Forgive_One_Another_jrb.wmv Forgive One Another.pptx
07/22/12 House Church Movement: The Lord's Supper (3) JR Bronger House Church Movement Sunday PM Worship 03 The Lords Supper.pptx 07222012_PM_03_The_Lords_Supper_JRB.mp3 07222012_PM_03_The_Lords_Supper_JRB.wmv
07/15/12 Faith JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 07152012_AM_Faith_JRB.mp3 07152012_AM_Faith_JRB.wmv Faith.pptx
07/15/12 House Church Movement: What Is the House Church? (2) JR Bronger House Church Movement Sunday PM Worship 02 A House Church.pptx 07152012_PM_02_A_House_Church_JRB.mp3 07152012_PM_02_A_House_Church_JRB.wmv
07/08/12 When Is Baptism Not Baptism JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 07082012_AM_When_is_Baptism_not_Baptism_JRB.mp3 07082012_AM_When_is_Baptism_not_Baptism_JRB.wmv When is Baptism not Baptism.pptx
07/08/12 House Church Movement: Identifying the Movement (1) JR Bronger House Church Movement Sunday PM Worship 01 Identifying the Movement.ppt 07082012_PM_01_Identifying_the_Movement_JRB.mp3 07082012_PM_01_Identifying_the_Movement_JRB.wmv
07/01/12 Let Not Man Separate JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 07012012_AM_Let_Not_Man_Seperate_JRB.mp3 07012012_AM_Let_Not_Man_Seperate_JRB.wmv Let Not Man Seperate.ppt
06/17/12 Do You Want to be Made Well? JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 06172012_AM_Do_you_want_to_be_made_well_JRB.mp3 06172012_AM_Do_you_want_to_be_made_well_JRB.wmv Do you want to be made well.pptx
06/10/12 Motivation JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 06102012_am_Motivation_JRB.mp3 06102012_am_Motivation_JRB.wmv Motivation.pptx
06/10/12 A Family Record JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 06102012_PM_A_Family_Record_JRB.mp3 06102012_PM_A_Family_Record_JRB.wmv A Family Record.pptx
06/03/12 Grace is Scandalous JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 06032012_AM_Grace_is_Scandalous_JRB.mp3 06032012_AM_Grace_is_Scandalous_JRB.wmv Grace is Scandalous.pptx
05/27/12 Congregational Responsibility JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 05272012_AM_Congregational_Responsibilities_JRB.mp3 05272012_AM_Congregational_Responsibilities_JRB.wmv Congregational Responsibilities.pptx
05/20/12 Addicted to the Ministry JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 05202012_am_Addicted_to_the_Ministry_JRB.mp3 05202012_am_Addicted_to_the_Ministry_JRB.wmv Addicted to the Ministry.pptx
05/20/12 Self-Denial JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 05202012_PM_Self-Denial_JRB.mp3 05202012_PM_Self-Denial_JRB.wmv Self-Denial.ppt
05/13/12 Sincere Repentance JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 05132012_AM_Sincere_RepentanceJRB.mp3 05132012_AM_Sincere_RepentanceJRB.wmv Sincere Repentance.pptx
05/13/12 Noble Bereans JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 05132012_PM_Noble_Bereans_JRB.mp3 05132012_PM_Noble_Bereans_JRB.wmv Noble Bereans.ppt
04/29/12 Train Up a Child JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 04292012_Train_Up_A_Child_jrb.mp3 04292012_Train_Up_A_Child_jrb.wmv Train Up A Child.ppt
04/29/12 Parable of the Rich Fool JR Bronger Parables Sunday PM Worship 04292012_PM_Parable_of_the_rich_Fool_JRB.mp3 04292012_PM_Parable_of_the_rich_Fool_JRB.wmv Parable of the Rich Fool.ppt
03/25/12 Now What? JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 03252012_Now_What_JRB.mp3 03252012_Now_What_JRB.wmv Now What.ppt
03/25/12 Temptation JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 03252012_Temptation_in_the_Garden_JRB.mp3 03252012_Temptation_in_the_Garden_JRB.wmv Temptation in the Garden.ppt
03/18/12 Would You Recognize Jesus JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 03182012_AM_Would_You_Recognize_Jesus_JRB.mp3 03182012_AM_Would_You_Recognize_Jesus_JRB.wmv Would You Recognize Jesus.ppt
03/11/12 Lessons from Gamaliel JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 03112012_AM_Gamaliel_JRB.mp3 03112012_AM_Gamaliel_JRB.wmv Gamaliel.ppt
03/11/12 Jesus, Who Can it Be? JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 03112012_PM_Jesus_Who_Can_It_Be.mp3 03112012_PM_Jesus_Who_Can_It_Be.wmv Jesus Who Can This Be.ppt
03/04/12 Lydia: The Lord Opened Her Heart JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 03042012_AM_Lydia_The_Lord_Opened_Her_Heart_JRB.mp3 03042012_AM_Lydia_The_Lord_Opened_Her_Heart_JRB.wmv The Lord Opened Her Heart.ppt
02/19/12 The Doctrine of Christ JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 02192012_AM_Doctrine_of_Christ_JRB.mp3 02192012_AM_Doctrine_of_Christ_JRB.wmv Doctrine of Christ.ppt
02/12/12 Lessons From Our Baptism JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 02122012_Lessons_from_our_Baptism_jrb.mp3 02122012_Lessons_from_our_Baptism_jrb.wmv Lessons from our Baptism.ppt
02/12/12 Questions I Would Like to Ask Jesus JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 02122012_PM_Questions_I_would_like_to_ask_Jesus_JRB.mp3 02122012_PM_Questions_I_would_like_to_ask_Jesus_JRB.wmv Questions I would like to ask Jesus.ppt
02/05/12 The Good Old Days JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 02052012_Good_Old_Days_jrb.mp3 02052012_Good_Old_Days_jrb.wmv Good Old Days.ppt
01/29/12 Running the Race JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 01292012_AM_Running_the_Race_JRB.mp3 01292012_AM_Running_the_Race_JRB.wmv Running the Race.ppt
01/29/12 Acts: Fact or Fiction JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 01292012_Acts - Fact_or_Fiction_JRB.mp3 01292012_Acts - Fact_or_Fiction_JRB.wmv Acts - Fact or Fiction.ppt
01/22/12 Responsiblities of Young People JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 01222012_AM_Responsibilities_of_Young_People_jrb.mp3 01222012_AM_Responsibilities_of_Young_People_jrb.wmv Responsibilities of Young People.ppt
01/22/12 Andrew, Simon Peter's Brother JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 01222012_PM_Andrew-Simon-Peters-Brother_JRB.mp3 01222012_PM_Andrew-Simon-Peters-Brother_JRB.wmv Andrew-Simon-Peters-Brother.ppt
01/15/12 Like Jesus in this World JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 01152012_AM_Like_Jesus_in_this_World_JRB.mp3 01152012_AM_Like_Jesus_in_this_World_JRB.wmv Like Jesus in this World.ppt
01/08/12 Household Conversions JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 01082012_AM_Household_Conversions_JRB.mp3 01082012_AM_Household_Conversions_JRB.wmv Household Conversions.ppt
01/01/12 Because You Are Lukewarm JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 112012_AM_Because_you_are_lukewarm_JRB.mp3 Because you are Lukewarm.ppt
12/25/11 The Birth of Christ JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship
12/25/11 Tower of Babel: Lessons in Communication JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship
12/18/11 What's Become of Sin JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship
12/11/11 Hand-Clapping: Worship in Spirit and Truth JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship
12/04/11 Be a Man JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship
11/27/11 Christ is Risen JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship
11/20/11 Your Bible and Its Authority (6) JR Bronger How We Got The Bible Sun AM Worship 06 Your Bible and its Authority.ppt 11202011_AM_Your_Bible_and_its_Authority_jrb.mp3 11202011_AM_Your_Bible_and_its_Authority_jrb.wmv
11/13/11 Having a Bad Day? JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 11132011_AM_Having_a_Bad_Day_JRB.mp3 11132011_AM_Having_a_Bad_Day_JRB.wmv Having a Bad Day.ppt
11/13/11 Bible Versions, Variations, and the Canon (5) JR Bronger How We Got The Bible Sunday PM Worship 05 Versions, Variations, Canon.ppt 11132011_PM_Versions,_Variations,_Canon_JRB.mp3 11132011_PM_Versions,_Variations,_Canon_JRB.wmv
10/30/11 Understanding a Gospel Meeting JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 10302011_Understanding_a_Gospel_Meeting_JRB.mp3 10302011_Understanding_a_Gospel_Meeting_JRB.wmv Understanding a Gospel Meeting.ppt
10/30/11 How We Got The Bible (4) JR Bronger How We Got The Bible Sunday PM Worship 10302011_PM_How_we_got_the_Bible_JRB.mp3 10302011_PM_How_we_got_the_Bible_JRB.wmv
10/09/11 God With Us JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 10092011_God_With_Us_JRB.mp3 10092011_God_With_Us_JRB.wmv God With Us-1400289316.ppt
10/09/11 The Birth of the Bible (3) JR Bronger How We Got The Bible Sunday PM Worship 03 The Birth of the Bible.ppt 10092011_PM_03_The_Birth_of_the_Bible_JRB.mp3 10092011_PM_03_The_Birth_of_the_Bible_JRB.wmv
10/02/11 The Death of John the Baptist JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 10022011_AM_Death_of_John_the_Baptist_JRB.mp3 10022011_AM_Death_of_John_the_Baptist_JRB.wmv Death of John the Baptist.ppt
09/25/11 Causing God and His Word to Be Blasphemed! JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 09252011_AM_Causing_God_and_His_Word_to_be_Blasphemed_JRB.mp3 09252011_AM_Causing_God_and_His_Word_to_be_Blasphemed_JRB.wmv Causing God and His Word to be Blasphemed.ppt
09/25/11 The Bible is Inspired (2) JR Bronger How We Got The Bible Sunday PM Worship 02 The Bible is Inspired.ppt 09252011_PM_02_The_Bible_is_InspiredJRB.mp3 09252011_PM_02_The_Bible_is_InspiredJRB.wmv
09/11/11 Righteousness Exalts a Nation JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 09112011_AM_Righteousness_Exalts_a_Nation_JRB.mp3 09112011_AM_Righteousness_Exalts_a_Nation_JRB.wmv Righteousness Exalts a Nation.ppt
09/04/11 Son, Remember...(Rich Man & Lazarus) JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 09042011_AM_Son_Remember_JRB.mp3 09042011_AM_Son_Remember_JRB.wmv Son Remember.ppt
08/28/11 The Faith of Moses JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 08282011_AM_Faith_of_Moses_JRB.mp3 08282011_AM_Faith_of_Moses_JRB.wmv Faith of Moses.ppt
08/28/11 Accepting the Bible (1) JR Bronger How We Got The Bible Sunday PM Worship 01 Accepting the Bible.ppt 08282011_PM_Accepting_the_Bible_JRB.mp3 08282011_PM_Accepting_the_Bible_JRB.wmv
08/21/11 Saved to Serve JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 08212011_AM_Saved_to_Serve_JRB.mp3 08212011_AM_Saved_to_Serve_JRB.wmv Saved to Serve.ppt
08/07/11 The Blood of Abel Says JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 08072011_AMWhat_the_Blood_of_Abel_Says_JRB.mp3 08072011_AMWhat_the_Blood_of_Abel_Says_JRB.wmv What the Blood of Abel Says.ppt
07/17/11 Creation in Six Days JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 07172011_AM_Creation_in_Six_Days_JRB.mp3 07172011_AM_Creation_in_Six_Days_JRB.wmv
07/10/11 Illusions (5) - Folly of a Wasted Life JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 07102011_AM_Folly_of_a_Wasted_Life_JRB.mp3 07102011_AM_Folly_of_a_Wasted_Life_JRB.wmv Lesson 05 Folly of a Wasted Life.ppt
07/10/11 What Must I Do To Be Saved? JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 07102011_PM_What_Must_I_do_to_be_Saved_JRB.mp3 07102011_PM_What_Must_I_do_to_be_Saved_JRB.wmv
07/03/11 Illusions (4) - The Bill Always Comes Due JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 07022011_am_The_Bill_Always_Comes_Due_JRB.mp3 07022011_am_The_Bill_Always_Comes_Due_JRB.wmv Lesson 04 The Bill Always Comes Due.ppt
06/19/11 Go and Make Disciples (Bible Class) JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 06192011_AM_Go_and_Make_Disciples_JRB.mp3 06192011_AM_Go_and_Make_Disciples_JRB.wmv
06/19/11 Telling the Next Generation JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 06192011_Telling_the_Next_Generation_JRB.mp3 06192011_Telling_the_Next_Generation_JRB.wmv Telling the Next Generation.ppt
06/12/11 Illusions (3) - Life is Not All Laughter JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 06122011_AM_Life_is_Not_all_Laughter_JRB.mp3 06122011_AM_Life_is_Not_all_Laughter_JRB.wmv Lesson 03 Life is Not all Laughter.ppt
06/12/11 Jezebel JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 06122011_PM_Jezebel_JRB.mp3 06122011_PM_Jezebel_JRB.wmv Jezebel.ppt
05/29/11 Illusions (2) - Things That Don't Last JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 05292011_AM_Things_Dont_Last_JRB.mp3 05292011_AM_Things_Dont_Last_JRB.wmv Lesson 02 Things Dont Last.ppt
05/29/11 Daniel in Babylon JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 05292011_PM_Daniel_in_Babylon_JRB.mp3 05292011_PM_Daniel_in_Babylon_JRB.wmv Daniel in Babylon.ppt
05/22/11 Illusions (1) - Life Is Not What it Seems JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 05222011_AM_Life_is_not_what_it_Seems_01_JRB.mp3 05222011_AM_Life_is_not_what_it_Seems_01_JRB.wmv Lesson 01 Life is not what it Seems.ppt
05/22/11 Keep Yourself Pure JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 05222011_PM_Keep_Yourself_Pure_JRB.mp3 05222011_PM_Keep_Yourself_Pure_JRB.wmv Keep Yourself Pure.ppt
05/08/11 How the 21st Century Church is Least Like the 1st Century Church JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 05082011_AM_How_the_21st_Century_Church_is_least_like_the_ first_JRB.mp3 05082011_AM_How_the_21st_Century_Church_is_least_like_the_ first_JRB.wmv How the 21st Century Church is least like the first.ppt
05/08/11 Why Are There Speck Hunters? JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 05082011_PM_Why_are_there_Speck_Hunters_JRB.mp3 05082011_PM_Why_are_there_Speck_Hunters_JRB.wmv Why are there Speck Hunters.ppt
04/17/11 The Sin of Incompletion JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 04172011_AM_Sin_of_Incompletion_JRB.mp3 04172011_AM_Sin_of_Incompletion_JRB.wmv Sin of Incompletion.ppt
04/17/11 Why the Early Church Had Great Results JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 04172011_PM_Why_Early_church_had_Great_Results_JRB.mp3 04172011_PM_Why_Early_church_had_Great_Results_JRB.wmv Why Early church had Great Results.ppt
04/10/11 Faith of An Atheist JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 04102011_AM_Faith_of_an_Atheist_JRB.mp3 04102011_AM_Faith_of_an_Atheist_JRB.wmv Faith of an Atheist.ppt
04/10/11 Shame On You! JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 04102011_PM_Shame_JRB.mp3 04102011_PM_Shame_JRB.wmv Shame.ppt
04/03/11 Going to the Prom JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 04032011_AM_Going_to_the_Prom_JRB.mp3 04032011_AM_Going_to_the_Prom_JRB.wmv Going to the Prom.ppt
03/27/11 Jesus - The Heart of All Things JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 03272011_Jesus_The_heart_of_all_Things_JRB.mp3 03272011_Jesus_The_heart_of_all_Things_JRB.wmv Jesus The heart of all Things.ppt
03/27/11 This Strange Book JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 03272011 This Strange Book JR Bronger.mp3 03272011 This Strange Book JR Bronger.wmv This Strange Book.ppt
03/13/11 Rejoice All (Grumpy Christians) JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 03132011_AM_Rejoice_Always_JRB.mp3 03132011_AM_Rejoice_Always_JRB.wmv Rejoice Always.ppt
03/13/11 The Failures of Rehoboam JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 03132011_PM_Failures_of_Rehoboam_JRB.mp3 03132011_PM_Failures_of_Rehoboam_JRB.wmv Failures of Rehoboam.ppt
03/06/11 Temptation (6) JR Bronger Temptation Sun AM Worship 03062011_AM_Temptation_6_JRB.mp3 03062011_AM_Temptation_6_JRB.wmv Temptation 06.ppt
02/27/11 Temptation (5) JR Bronger Temptation Sun AM Worship 02272011_AM_Temptation_5_JRB.mp3 02272011_AM_Temptation_5_JRB.wmv Temptation 5.ppt
02/27/11 Pilate's Choices JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 02272011_PM_Pilates_Choice_JRB.mp3 02272011_PM_Pilates_Choice_JRB.wmv Pilates Choice.ppt
02/20/11 Temptation (4) JR Bronger Temptation Sun AM Worship 02202011_AM_Temptation_4_JRB.mp3 02202011_AM_Temptation_4_JRB.wmv Temptation 4.ppt
02/20/11 Take Time to be Holy JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 02202011_PM_Take_Time_to_be_Holy_JRB.mp3 02202011_PM_Take_Time_to_be_Holy_JRB.wmv
02/13/11 Temptation (3) JR Bronger Temptation Sun AM Worship 02132011_AM_Temptation_3_JRB.mp3 02132011_AM_Temptation_3_JRB.wmv Temptation 3.ppt
02/13/11 Uphold the Weak JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 02132011_PM_Uphold_the_Weak_JRB.mp3 02132011_PM_Uphold_the_Weak_JRB.wmv Uphold the Weak.ppt
02/06/11 Temptation (2) JR Bronger Temptation Sun AM Worship 02062011_Temptation_2_JRB.mp3 02062011_Temptation_2_JRB.wmv Temptation 2.ppt
01/30/11 Temptation (1) JR Bronger Temptation Sun AM Worship 01302011_Temptation_1.mp3 01302011_Temptation_1.wmv Temptation 1.ppt
01/30/11 A Church Divided - Unity JR Bronger N/A Sunday PM Worship 01302011_A_Church_Divided_JRB.mp3 01302011_A_Church_Divided_JRB.wmv A Church Divided - Unity.ppt
01/16/11 Living Single (Gen 2:18) JR Bronger N/A Sun AM Worship 01162011_AM_Living_Single_JRB.mp3 01162011_AM_Living_Single_JRB.wmv Living Single.ppt

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